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Saprea > Survivor Stories > My Journey Was Hard and Long


My Journey Was Hard and Long


When I look back on everything I’ve been through, I can now not let it affect me as much, but this wasn’t always easy. I used to look back and all I could do is wonder “Why? Why me? What is the reason for all this?” It wasn’t until years later when I saw the pain on someone else’s face, because they were facing the same questions I was; that’s when I realized the answer was simple. 

I went through everything to become a survivor and to help women like me. To uplift, support, and encourage them in their dark times. I will never look back and feel sadness again because I made it out and I’m stronger than ever now. I can better help because I can understand their pain. My journey was hard and long with many dark moments and empty thoughts, but now I’m free! 

All I can say is stay strong and don’t let them take more than what they have…. remember you are strong, beautiful, smart, and you deserve more! 

-Chaia, Survivor