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My Healing Has Helped Others


When you’re going through something difficult it’s easy to lose focus. The big picture isn’t clear yet and that can be very discouraging. 

When I look back at all the things I’ve endured and survived and the people who have made a mark on my life, I can see that they have put me where I am now. I have the experience and compassion to do what I feel I am here to do in helping others. 

By having the experiences, I have had, I can relate to a vast number of people and can offer them the tools to fix the broken pieces in their lives. Much like the kintsugi bowls that are broken and glued back together with gold so that the imperfections are embraced and beautiful. When someone holds open that door for you please remember to hold it open for the next person. 

Thank you to Saprea for hosting me at the Saprea Retreat and for giving me a door and tools. It came at a time in my life that was much needed and renewed my strength and faith and love in myself. 

-Amber, Survivor